Do I qualify
Who qualifies?
Not everyone will be accepted on to the housing register. To be accepted a person must both be ‘eligible’ and ‘qualify’.
People will only qualify to be on our register (be allowed to register) if:
- they have a local connection to either Broadland or South Norfolk
Please see the table below for details of all the Local Connection criteria
Non eligibility
Certain people from abroad, including some who are subject to immigration control, are not eligible for an allocation of affordable housing. This means they cannot come on to the Housing Register. These regulations are set by Government and updated regularly.
Non eligibility - Sufficient financial resources
From the 1 April 2021 applicants to the Broadland and South Norfolk Housing register will not qualify where they are considered to have sufficient financial resources to secure accommodation within the private sector. Financial resources include income, savings and equity.
- Income
If you have a net household income above the levels below for your bedroom need you will not be eligible to join the Housing Register
Number of bedrooms |
1 bed |
2 bed |
3 bed |
4 bed |
Annual Household Income |
£22,750 |
£27,750 |
£33,750 |
£49,500 |
Please note we do not include any housing related benefits or disability benefits in the household income.
- Savings
If you have savings, capital or investments over the amounts below you will not be eligible to join the housing register. Please note this includes all bank accounts, ISAs, Stocks & Shares, money, etc held by the household.
State Pensionable Age | £50,000 |
Working Age | £20,000 |
- Equity in property
If you have equity in property you may not be eligible to join the housing register if the amount you hold is over the levels below
State Pensionable Age | £60,000 |
Working Age | £30,000 |
Local Connection
Residency |
lived in Broadland or South Norfolk for 12 months of the previous 2 years
lived in Broadland or South Norfolk for 3 of the previous 10 years
Employment |
Have a current contract of permanent employment where the job requires residency in Broadland or South Norfolk
Have an existing social tenancy and been in employment or training in Broadland or South Norfolk for a minimum of six months and there is a reasonable expectation that the employment or training will continue for a further 12 months |
Homeless |
Be threatened with homelessness (within 12 weeks and who are assessed as probably having a priority need) when the local connection criteria as laid down in the homelessness code of guidance would apply
Be owed a Relief duty under the Homelessness Reduction Act, when the local connection criteria as laid down in the homelessness code of guidance would apply. |
Military /Forces |
Have been ‘placed’ or relocated outside the district due to illness, military service or other exceptional circumstances such as violence and lived in Broadland or South Norfolk for at least 6 months immediately prior to the placement.
Be a current or former member of the British Armed Forces, having left service within the preceding 5 years, as defined by s.374 of the Armed Forces Act 2006.
Be a divorced, separated or civil ex-partner of armed forces personnel and is required to vacate a Ministry of Defence property in the next 56 days or has been required to do so in the previous 5 years
The bereaved spouse, eligible partner or civil partner of a deceased member of the regular forces where their death was attributable to that service.
Current or former members of the reserve forces who suffer from a serious injury, illness or disability which is attributable to that service.
Care Leavers |
A young homeless care leaver under 25 years who has been looked after by Norfolk County Council for at least 2 years, including some time before they turned 16, under section 22A of the Children Act 1989.
A care leaver aged under 25 years, placed in accommodation in Broadland or South Norfolk by another authority for at least 2 years, including some time before they turned 16, under section 22A of the Children Act 1989.
Supported |
Are living in accommodation-based support services outside the district to which they were referred by or with the agreement of the Council and they lived in Broadland or South Norfolk for 6 months immediately prior to the placement.
If they are residing in a supported housing project and approaching the Councils via a Move-on arrangement, they will have to have resided at the project at least 6 months before submitting an application. If the specialist provider has a move on arrangement with the Council this will provide the local connection. |
Domestic Abuse |
Victims of domestic abuse who are residing in a refuge or other safe temporary accommodation in in Broadland or South Norfolk as they have fled abuse from another area. |
Gypsy/ Travellers |
Be a gypsy (as defined in the Caravan Sites Act 1968) who has habitually resorted to the Broadland or South Norfolk area. |
If you have any questions about eligibility and if you qualify
How to Apply